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Dana Nunemacher

Dana Nunemacher

Marty mcfly and doc




































Crible de dettes, la mairie de la ville met en vente les affaires du vieil homme pour les rembourser.Doc en sort avec Clara et leurs deux fils: Jules et Verne (en reference a leur idole Jules Verne ).Sa mere, Lorraine Baines, est une alcoolique qui traine sa misere en rabachant son passe.Alors que Marty filme Doc expliquant sa machine, ils sont attaques par des terroristes libyens que Doc a arnaques pour avoir du plutonium.Marty marche alors jusqu'au centre ville car en 1955 la partie de la ville ou il etait en 1985 n'existe pas encore.Marty doit alors prendre la place de son fils et va a un rendez-vous avec un certain Griff Tannen, le petit-fils de Biff.Un soir, ce dernier le contacte et lui donne rendez-vous en pleine nuit sur un parking.Dans une boutique, Marty achete en souvenir L'Almanach des Sports de 1950-2000. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Marty McFly ? Wikipedia

marty mcfly and doc
Image source: fr.ubergizmo.com

Doc gave Marty a part-time job to help with experiments, tend to the lab, tend to the dog, etc. 1989 Jason will freak out.But the history of the characters that Bob Zemeckis and I created is this. Then someone with inside info chimed in.Both of them were the black sheep in their respective environments.Marty snuck into Doc?s lab, and was fascinated by all the cool stuff that was there.Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hop in my DeLorean and tell my ten-year-old self what just happened.So, being a red-blooded American teenage boy, age 13 or 14, he decided to find out just why this guy was so dangerous.Good theories

marty mcfly and doc
Image source: jatnewsdaily.com

Then someone with inside info chimed in ? Back to the Future co-creator Bob Gale!Okay, from the horse?s mouth (yes, I?m the horse ? er, co-writer, co-creator): We never explained it in the movie. Good theories.Yesterday I posted a question mental_floss contributor Brett Savage had asked me via text ? ?Is it ever explained why Marty hangs out with Doc Brown?" Many people weighed in with theories. But the history of the characters that Bob Zemeckis and I created is

character - How did Marty McFly and ?Doc? Brown first meet? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange

However, in the beginning of the 2nd movie, Marty changed the timeline so that Doc Brown has memory of what happened in 1955.Marty snuck into Doc?s lab, and was fascinated by all the cool stuff that was there.Posts with unsourced content may be edited or deleted.From that point on, the Doc knows all about the events to come.Like a short film, based upon young Marty and Doc Brown first meeting.The docs timeline in the first film never changes, so he is aware of Marty and the working time machine from the first visit to November 1955.Add citations from reputable sources by editing the post.The past of the Doc Brown at the beginning of the story is not yet affected by the events which happen later in the story.Sometimes hard to wrap your head around.When Marty goes to 1955, he goes and finds Doc and when he comes back to 1985, Doc remembers him. Marty McFly — Wikipédia.


marty mcfly and doc
Image source: www.tranchesdunet.com

Both of them were the black sheep in their respective environments.Share This Story Get our newsletter Subscribe More from Gizmodo Why You Need a VPN and How to Choose One Twitter Slaps 'Manipulated Media' Tag on Bullshit Video that Trump Retweeted The Coronavirus Outbreak Has Airlines Running Empty 'Ghost' Flights The Whisperer War Begins on a Shockingly Great Walking Dead Share Tweet.Even though Doc wasn't cool per se, he made science look damn cool with all the bat shit crazy things he tried to pull off.Marty snuck into Doc's lab, and was fascinated by all the cool stuff that was there.Doc gave Marty a part-time job to help with experiments, tend to the lab, tend to the dog, etc.Well, according to the co-creator of BTTF, it's because of young Marty.I mean, seriously, an old white-haired guy and a skateboarding teen.So, being a red-blooded American teenage boy, age 13 or 14, he decided to find out just why this guy was so dangerous.Bob Gale, co-creator of the BTTF series, explained the origins of Marty and Doc's friendship as this: For years, Marty was told that Doc Brown was dangerous, a crackpot, a lunatic.

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Marty McFly and Doc Brown time-travel to

marty mcfly and doc
Image source: static.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/51ce6099e4b0d911b4489b79/51ce61d0e4b0d911b44a21a8/1313538052507/1000w/103387_galeria_vissza_a_jovobe_10.jpeg

Did you ever wonder how Marty McFly, teenage cool guy, and Doc Brown, looney mad scientist, became friends? I mean, seriously, an old white-haired guy and a skateboarding teen? Well, according to the co-creator of BTTF, it's because of young Marty



ONE day until #KimmelinBrooklyn! But first we go back in time with Marty McFly & Doc Brown... #BackToTheFuture #MichaelJFox #ChristopherLloyd Huey Lewis...

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